schoology New Year Setup

What we used for setup in 19-20 (completed on August 19,2019)

9/04/19 - 6/25/20
19-20 Pal-Mac High School
Q1 19-20 035803-T1
Q2 19-20 035803-T2
Q3 19-20 035803-T3
Q4 19-20 035803-T4
19-20 Pal-Mac Middle School
Q1 19-20 MS 035806-T1
Q2 18-19 MS 035806-T2
Q3 18-19 MS 035806-T3
Q4 18-19 MS 035806-T4
19-20 Intermediate School
T1 | IS 19-209/04-19 12/06/19 035804-T1
T2 | IS 19-2012/07/19 4/17/20 035804-T2
T3 | IS 19-204/18/20 6/25/20 035804-T3
Primary School:
T1 | IS 19-20035805-T1
T2 | IS 19-20035805-T2
T3 | IS 19-20035805-T3

This info is from EduTech:

Important Information on the Schoology Yearly Roll-Over

You likely received a link to this article as you are currently identified as the Schoology Admin for your school.

Each year Schoology must be "rolled over" in order to maintain data integrity in the system. The vendor may or may not have already reminded you of the need to perform a "roll over" in Schoology by now, but if not please contact your Schoology Account Manager for help or try calling them at (888) 239-7067 assuming you have a Schoology account support code.

EduTech does NOT provide direct assistance for Schoology or with Schoology roll-overs at this time. However, as part of performing the Schoology roll-over process the vendor should have instructed you to perform the following steps:

  1. Create new "Grading Terms" in Schoology - these are used by the application to automatically "archive" courses as the terms they are associated to end. More information on this step is below, and in this article:
  2. Update "Data Mappings" in Schoology to data in Schooltool using one of the following methods:
When Schoology has been configured to receive it's data via the Schooltool API, the following steps must be completed:
  1. Update the Schoology Schooltool App Settings:
  2. Update the auto-export "Grade Term Mappings":

    **Hint: This step needs to be performed if and only if your school us using the Schoology Grade Book Data Passback Feature for Schooltool
When Schoology has been configured to receive it's data via CSV files generated and passed via SFTP, the following steps must be completed beforeyour first day of classes each school year:
  1. Update the auto-import "course mappings"
  2. Update the auto-export "Grade Term Mappings"

    **Hint: This step needs to be performed if and only if your school us using the Schoology Grade Book Data Passback Feature for Schooltool

 When creating new Schoology grading terms each year, remember that:

You must create a uniquely named set of terms for each building in Schoology, because no one term can be named exactly like another term (i.e. you can't name one term in one year Q1, and also name a term in another year Q1).

Given this limitation, we suggest that you name your Schoology terms in each building using the following format:

Term Name | Building Code - School Year (e.g. Q1|HS16-17 = using no spaces if possible makes screens in Schoology cleaner when viewing them)

The grade term naming convention is described in more detail in this article:

 When changing the auto-import mappings:

Failure to change the auto-import mappings, has in the past created situations where Course and Roster data in Schoology become "mixed" between school years, which is something that may or may not be easily resolved.

For this reason, we highly suggest that you complete the roll-over process, including creating grading terms and updating import mappings, on or before August 31st of each year.

To safeguard against this situation, and to give you ample time to complete the Schoology Roll-Over, course and roster data from your student system actually does not generally flow to Schoology during the months of July and August.

If for some reason you won't complete the Schoology roll-over (i.e. grading terms and mappings) before September first, please let EduTech know by sending an email to